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Shadow work, also known as shadow work, is an inner journey that allows one to confront the most hidden parts of oneself.
It is not about fighting against one’s imperfections, but about welcoming, understanding and integrating them.
Each shadow faced represents a step toward a more authentic and free life.

What is shadow work?

Shadow work is the process of exploring and integrating the parts of ourselves that we have repressed or ignored. The shadow manifests itself through difficult emotions, exaggerated reactions, or repetitive patterns. These signs indicate that something inside us needs attention.

Accepting the shadow does not mean justifying harmful behavior, but recognizing the root of certain emotions and learning how to respond consciously.
This process requires courage because it invites us to face the parts of ourselves we would rather avoid.

Practical shadow work techniques

There are many tools for working on shadow. Here are some of them:

  • Reflective writing: Devote 10 minutes a day to writing down the most difficult emotions you have experienced. Ask yourself, What do these emotions want to tell me?
  • Shadow meditation: Visualize a part of yourself that you consider negative, such as anger or fear. Imagine having a dialogue with it, asking it what it needs to express.
  • Self-compassion exercises: When judgments toward yourself emerge, try to respond with kindness. For example, instead of thinking, “I made a mistake again,” try telling yourself, I am learning, and it is normal to make mistakes.

These practices create a safe space to explore and welcome the shadow, transforming it from an invisible enemy to a valuable ally.

Concrete example: a daily shadow

Anna, a 32-year-old woman, was easily irritated with colleagues who did not meet deadlines. Through shadow work, she discovered that this anger was not just a reaction to others, but a reflection of her fear of being judged as incapable.
Understanding this dynamic allowed her to stop projecting her insecurities onto others and develop more self-confidence.

Conclusion: living with the shadow

Shadow work is an ongoing process, not an isolated event. Every difficult emotion or conflict represents an opportunity to get to know each other better and grow.
Throughintegrating the shadow, we can live with more authenticity, free from the unconscious conditioning that holds us back.

Remember: facing the shadow does not mean eliminating it, but learning to dance with it. It is this dance that enables us to live a fuller and more meaningful life.

To learn more about working with shadows and personal growth, keep an eye on our calendar and find out the dates of upcoming workshops!

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